Golden Hill Observations

March 19, 2011 2 comments

Golden Hill Health Care Center
Dear Colleagues,
The New York State presentation to the Ulster County Legislature on Friday March 11, 2011 regarding Nursing Homes was enlightening. A few of the more significant policy trends that I think I heard Mr. Kissinger relay to the audience are;
Private Nursing homes receive more funding than County Nursing Homes
Private Nursing Homes are allowed to pick healthier residents than County Homes. This practice is called “Cherry Picking”. The New York State Government has not been able to change this. Does this mean that the Private Nursing Home Industry has lobbying influence that stifles our government from writing legislation that would correct this inequity? I think it does.
There will be a “Change” in funding levels from New York State to Counties this spring and it won’t be an increase. OK, if we stay at the same level of funding for nursing homes, it will not be a change. If the change is not going to be an “Increase”, it would appear that Mr. Kissinger has told us that we can expect a decrease in funding this spring from New York State to Counties for Nursing Home Funding.
New York State wants more assisted living beds and less Nursing Home beds.
New York State is not going to take a Leadership Role in assisting Counties in making plans for Elder Care/Nursing Home Care, even as numerous Counties are trying to make decisions of what type of service to offer Elders in our communities. Even when New York State and the Federal Government continue to be the main funding sources and the initiators of policy, they are willing to let local Legislatures try to solve these challenges without assistance. Editorial note: What happened to Strategic Planning? Regionalization? Efficiencies of scale? Nope! You’re on your own! Good Luck! ??????
I think Mr. Kissinger informed Ulster County in the gentlest manner that continuation in the Nursing Homes business would be extremely difficult at best, and untenable in normal circumstances. New York State discriminates in favor of Private Nursing Home Operators and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
As the Ulster County Legislature continues to deliberate the future of providing service to the elderly of this county I think it should take this challenge and transform it to a opportunity. The legislature must resist a rush to judgment regardless of pressure from the media, executive branch or numerous vocal stakeholders. There are models of Elder Care in the United States and elsewhere that need to be examined to determine an appropriate and progressive path to comprehensive dignified service to our Senior population.
Very close to home there is a model emerging that shows an impressive response to the needs our Seniors. The Ellenville Hospital on Route 209 has transformed a failing mediocre hospital into a pristine, state of the art Emergency Care/ General Medical and Rehab Facility. Just steps from the front door of the Hospital you have the Ellenville Senior Living Center. The brand new senior living center provides clean, energy efficient, and secure housing. The residents of this housing complex also provide a consistent patient flow to the Ellenville Hospital just by virtue of their regular medical service needs. The Seniors receive competent convenient medical attention and the hospital has a continuous clientele (coupled with the needs of the community beyond the Senior Complex the hospital is financially whole). If one was to add a Nursing Home facility to the existing medical-housing campus, the combination of needs and services would be very symbiotic. The seniors at the housing complex are continuously looking for “Jobs” and would be an excellent source of volunteer assistance for a Nursing Home facility. A “Combination Care Campus” (as seen in the Ellenville Hospital Campus) would appear to be an ideal model to emulate and recreate in areas of need throughout the county. A single license holder could create satellite Care Campuses filling housing and medical care needs in an efficient and profitable manner. I believe we should reissue our Request for Proposal to solicit interest in this type of model of care which may very well incorporate a partnership approach to development.
If anyone is interested in touring the Ellenville Hospital and adjacent senior housing complex I would be happy to facilitate an appointment. I believe it is important to see what CAN be accomplished if we think just slightly out of the box. I worked for a former Marine who used to say “Lead or get the Hell out of the Way”. I think we can and we should lead and create a superior place in life for the people who have given so much to us. Let’s restore dignity to our elderly and ease the fears of growing old. Let’s do it right this time.

Jack Hayes

Law Enforcement & Public Safety Commitee Update

February 5, 2011 Leave a comment

Ulster County Legislature

Jack Hayes, Chairman
Law Enforcement & Public Safety  Committee

Update 1-27-11 Senator John Bonacic has asked NYS Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to commence an action directing NYCDEP to immediately cease and desist their illegal activities, remedy them, and pay actual and punitive damages for their behavior.

The following letter was written in support of County Executive Michel Hein’s efforts to stop the pollution of the Esopus Creek Basin. I urge all concerned citizens to write to your State and Federal representatives and ask them to bring about a speedy resolution to this problem.

United States Senator Charles Schumer
Hart Senate Office Building/Room 313
Washington, DC 20510
January 21, 2011

Dear Senator Schumer
I am writing to enlist your assistance regarding the pollution of the Esopus Creek in Ulster County, NY. County Executive Michel Hein advised the Ulster County Legislature that he has been unable to obtain cooperation from the United States Environmental Protection Agency in enforcing the Clean Water Act. Apparently New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has also failed to assist Ulster County in stemming the pollution of the beautiful Esopus Creek.
County Executive Hein has advised the Ulster County Legislature that it may need to fund a litigation action against New York City Department of Environmental Protection. I believe the United States Department of Environmental Protection is the more appropriate agency to pursue this prosecution. I don’t think the Ulster County tax payer should bear the sole burden of enforcing an obvious federal violation.
I am confident you will come to our aid as you always have in the past. I know you will realize the urgency of the situation as the silt accumulates while I am writing. The silt is affecting the fish, wildlife, spring crops and recreational beaches. I am available to assist you in any manner you might wish.


Jack Hayes
845 594 9367

cc. Gillibrand, Hinchey
Cuomo, Bonacic, Cahill
Bloomberg, Hein,

Categories: Commitees, NEWS

NYS Conservative Party Political Action Conference

February 5, 2011 Leave a comment

Sunday January 30, 2011
1:00 PM    NYS Budget / E.J. McMahon – NY as part of the Great Recession has continued “Unsustainable Spending Growth and a “Debt Bindge” both result in MAJOR TAX INCREASES. Solutions; Tax Caps, Freeze public-sector wages, pension and health care reform, Growth oriented Tax Policy.
1:45 PM TERM LIMITS / Eric Ulrich – NYC has had some limited success with term limits. The bottom line is that most people who get elected want to stay elected and will controvert laws to stay in office. This needs work.
2:15 PM  WINNING IN NEIGHBORHOODS / Bill Spada – “ “. Bill’s organization assists campaigns with old fashion “Boots on the Ground” strategy. Has had great success even prominent liberal districts.
2:45 PM LAW ENFORCEMENT CONCERNS / Butch Anderson, Dutchess County Sheriff –  Gangs are the number one problem. Budget cuts are stretching police resources very thin.
3:15 PM MEETING THE CHINA CHALLENGE/ Jay Townsend –  Mr. Townsend ran for US Senate in NY 2010. China has a STRATEGIC PLAN (Similar to Ronald Regan; “We win they lose”) the US does not! US losing manufacturing ability, China growing. China infringes on US patents. US has the highest INDUSTRIAL TAXES in the world. US is driving business out of the country.
3:45 PM NYS LEGISLATIVE PANEL/ Senator Lee Zeldin, Senator Pat Gallivan, Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin  – Consensus that NYS has to cut spending, reform pensions (they are underfunded) and replace with 401-k savings. Support Governor Cuomo’s Cuts and reform.
4:30 PM THE ECONOMY,CAN IT BE SAVED?/David Malpass – Mr. Malpass ran for US Senate in NY in 2010. A full presentation of his financial analysis can be found at  His analysis is factual, unemotional and grounded in fact.”The US debt to GDP ratio is rising from 60% to nearly 100%”. We are a borrower country and China is our bank.
5 PM The VIEW FROM WASHINGTON W/a GOP CONGRESS/ Congressman Chris Lee – Initiate educational incentive STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
5:30 PM US Congressional Panel: Michael Grimm 13 CD, Nan Hayworth 19 CD, Chris Gibson 20 CD, Richard Hanna 24 CD, Ann Marie Buerkle 25 CD, Thomas Reed 29 CD. The panel consisted of the NYS freshman Congressional  group 2011. The members reported that they have been well received by the GOP Caucus and have not been pressured to be “seen and not heard”. They have in fact begun writing bills which have found acceptance by the Caucus. They are highly educated and pragmatic individuals with varying backgrounds that will aid them in the very challenging times ahead. They have been assigned to committees which will be chaired by senior GOP Congressman. They know they have to accomplish REFORM and are receptive to new ideas. I would recommend we utilize these people as much as possible and circumvent representatives who have not been receptive to us in the past.
JANUARY 31, 2011
9 AM  JUST DO IT  /  Rob Astorino, Westchester County Executive – He described his position as a Conservative Exec with a liberal legislature. He has been attempting to cut spending while his legislature continues to refund his cuts. The legislature is aligned with county labor unions and has not adopted Pension/Healthcare reform platforms. The shift in attitudes (electing a conservative GOP Exec ) may be reinforced if and when Governor Cuomo enacts his cost cutting and reform budget.
9:30 PM AMERICA THE BANKRUPT / Hon. Joseph DioGuardia – “Joe” US Senate Candidate 2010 and former US Congressman called for an “Accountability Caucus” . He is taking on the role of “Paul Revere”; “THE CHINESE ARE COMING, THE CHINESE ARE COMING”. As an accountant Joe described the federal budget and finances as COOKED BOOKS. The present system is created so that no one can understand it and it is criminal in its deception. REFORM IS NEEDED.
10 AM ENDING EARMARKS, / Brian Baker, , reviewed some of the indecent allocations of taxpayer funds to obvious special interest groups. His website has a “Heroes and Hooligans” list which identifies representatives who do not engage in EARMARKS and those who do. Do not be fooled by reps who say “ I support legislation to end earmarks” and then do so anyway “cus everyone else is doing it”. Ask your rep to PROMISE TO END EARMARKS.
10:30 AM THE ASSAULT ON LIBERTYTAKING BACK YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS / Hon. Betsey McCaughey, Former NYS Lt. Governor – the current Pelosi Obamacare  federally mandated insurance policy is unconstitutional. “The federal government is not empowered under the constitution to make you buy a product” ( Courts in the State of Florida agree w/ McCaughey). Why should our tax dollars be used to fight law suits on such an obvious infringement of our constitutional rights. Watch this one. Call your reps and be heard.
11 AM STOPPING THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE/ Andy Sullivan, , , presented impelling reason why the Cordoba Project Mosque should not be built in the old Burlington Coat factory building. Two very non controversial issues are; 1. The building was one of the first NY buildings to be attacked , as it was hit by the landing gear of one of the planes. And 2. It is a NYC Landmark designated site. Andy is a survivors advocate and has been fighting to preserve the right of those opposed to this construction to dissent. Andy is a Construction Worker from Brooklyn and has been organizing a Contruction Workers boycott of participation in the construction of Cordoba. Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, had at one time mentioned a federal investigation of people protesting the construction (Big Brother watching you?). Another site you may wish to visit is .
11:30 AM REALLY MAKING ABORTION RARE / Kathleen Gallagher spoke on Abortion: Safe, Legal, Rare. Ms Gallagher related a recent investigation of a Philadelphia abortion clinic that had been operationg to fifteen years without ever having been inspected. The investigation revealed horrific conditions in the clinic which included filth, animal feces, continuous use of “Single Use” surgery instruments, lack of sterilization equipment and unqualified staff. The full report is not for those with a weak stomach. She said there is still much to as abortion rates are rising.
12:30 PM MARK STEYN – author, orator, recording artist, talk show host, gave a robust presentation of the need for all conservatives to STAY THE COURSE and continue to FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT. Steyn  clearly predicted that the United States is on the course of the European financial breakdown. Mr. Steyn lambasted the current rudderless administration for at least a half hour. His wit, sarcasm,  and humor were punctuated with cold reality. America better wake up!!! If you have not seen Mark Steyn I would highly recommend you take a look.
1.PM NYS CHAIRMAN MIKE LONG addressed the conference. Chairman Long extolled those present for having endured a tumultuous and at times precarious election cycle. He credited the leaders of the Conservative Party with maintaining an illustrious tradition of helping the larger parties regain focus and responsiveness to the people they serve (an oft repeated remark during this conference by many of the speakers). I think he eluded to the fact that we Conservatives serve as both a compass and a moral conscience to those who choose to govern. Too often people with good intentions lose their footing and seem to stray off course. Too often a culture of indulgence and greed clouds the decisions of what is RIGHT and what is WRONG. Chairman Long credited the individual efforts of chairs and committees; town ,county and state, with our prestigious return to ROW C.
Footnote; It was obvious to me that most of the “Elected” and even the those who were unsuccessful were totally aware of the enormous role the Conservative Party has in the governance process of New York State. In instances when some of our candidate were unsuccessful, our message was still heard. The course correction in Washington, DC is unmistakable. The course being chosen by Governor Andrew Cuomo is very compatible with many of our principles. I believe the overall sentiment of the attendees at the conference was; as long as  Governor Cuomo continues to embrace fiscal reform, he should have our support. I concur with this belief. It has been a long time since we had a Governor who actually professed conservative ideology. He will need all the help he can get and I will participate in his reform efforts. I hope you are well. Rest up a little we have another election cycle coming up and we need your help.

Jack Hayes

Categories: NEWS

Golden Hill Health Care Center’s Future

January 28, 2011 Leave a comment


PHONE: 845.340-3900
FAX: 845.340.3651

JANUARY 26, 2011

Ulster County Legislature Announces Public Informational Meetings Regarding Golden Hill Health Care Center’s Future

Ulster County Legislator and Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, Walter Frey, Jr., (R) announced the creation of a panel of (6) Legislators who will reach out to the
community during the month of February allowing the public to express comment on the future of
Golden Hill Health Care Center.

This panel was created by Ulster County Legislature Chairman, Frederick J. Wadnola. The
panel will be instrumental in moving the county forward on the issues of Golden Hill’s future. This is another step after the release of the Golden Hill Task Force findings back on November 30, 2010.

Panel members include Legislators Roy E. Hochberg (D), District No. 3, Alan Lomita (D),
District No. 7, Mary Beth Maio (R), District No. 11, Jeanette Provenzano (D), District No. 6,
Walter Frey Jr. (R), District No. 4, and Ulster County Legislative Chairman Frederick J. Wadnola (R), District No. 5.

Meeting Locations, Dates and Time:

Ellenville High School Auditorium, Wednesday, February 9th, 6:00 – 8:00 PM;

Onteora High School Auditorium, Thursday, February 10th, 6:00 – 8:00 PM;

Woodstock Recreation Center, Thursday, February 17th, 7:00 – 9:00 PM;

New Paltz BOCES, Tuesday, February 22nd, 6:00 – 8:00 PM;

Marlborough Town Hall, Thursday, February 24th, 6:00 – 8:00 PM; and

Saugerties Frank D. Greco Memorial Senior Center, Monday, February 28th,
6:00 – 8:00 PM.

Categories: NEWS


January 28, 2011 Leave a comment


NAME OF GROUP: Commission On Reapportionment

DATE: January 19, 2011

TIME: 3:00 P.M.

PLACE: UCOB, Legislative Chambers, 6th Floor

MEMBERS PRESENT: Vernon Benjamin, Paul Benkert, Michael Catalinotto, Cynthia Lowe, Rich Messina, Dare Thompson, Bill West


OTHERS ATTENDING: Dennis Doyle, Planning Director; Robert Leibowitz, Sr. Planner; Clinton Johnson, First Assistant County Attorney; Geraldine Romano, Legal Secretary; Laura Walls, Assistant Comptroller; Hugh Reynolds, Reporter; Tom Kadgen, LWV; Victoria Fabella, Deputy Clerk, Legislature; Beth Murphy, Saugerties Resident; Mike Harkavy, Saugerties Resident

The meeting was called to order by Bill West at 3:04PM.

Oath of Office

Bill West told the Commission that Bea Havranek contacted the Legislative Office and suggested the members of the Commission sign an oath of office.

Mike Catalinotto explained that his research showed that one of the indicia of being a pubic officer is the taking of an oath.  As you know, you cant be a member of this group if you are a public officer.  Are we creating a problem for ourselves by doing it?  Mr. Catalinotto does not see a need for it.  He said the group can agree as a whole to sign the oath, but he is just raising the point.

The Commission Members unanimously agreed to not sign the oath at this time.  The subject can be revisited should the County Attorney provide ample reason for doing so.

First Assistant County Attorney Clinton Johnson explained that there is a 30 day window for completing oaths.  Therefore, he believes Bea Havranek will clarify relatively quickly whether taking the oath is a necessity or not.

Bill West commented that Legislative Counsel is aware of the County Attorneys suggestion to have oaths signed by Commission Members and will provide further advisement should it be necessary.

Member Introductions

Cynthia Lowe explained that the Commission is a group of equals.  There is no official Chair of the Commission.  All members may add to the agenda or comment as to whats going on.  Bill West is acting as a de facto chair.  Despite this, all members are encouraged to speak up and express his/her opinion at any time.

Vernon Benjamin- Former County Legislator from the 1980s.  Applied for this position because he heard it on NPR and was struck by what Gerald Benjamin said; just the way he used the word fair in talking with Dr. Chartock on that day.  Vernon thought that if he didnt apply he might be kicking himself later.  There is no other motivation for serving on this Commission.  Vernon is proud to be here and would like to reiterate that we are here to get a job done and do it in a way that satisfies the people of Ulster County.  If anyone doesnt think we will accomplish this, they might as well leave the table now.

Cynthia Lowe- She have no past, current or future political aspirations.  Cynthia is involved in this because she feels the Charter is a valuable change in the way we govern ourselves in Ulster County and she wanted to contribute to that process.  She believes that if the group makes this a thoughtful and nonpartisan process, well succeed in what we are trying to do.  While Vernon thinks that we are going to satisfy the residents of UC, I think that the best transaction will be if everyone is slightly unhappy.  We dont want everyone to be completely satisfied or we havent really done our job.  In my day job, Im the Director of the Community Foundation in UC.  This is all part of making UC a better place.

Rich Messina- Rich is a Marlboro resident who is married with three children.  He works full-time as a sales manager for a construction company.  Rich is very active in the community.  He has been involved in the Lions Club, Fire Company, Make a Wish, the local chapter of the National UNICO organization; just about every organization out there.   Rich got involved with this Commission because he felt it was his time to give back to the County.

Paul Benkert- Born and raised in Kingston, now lives in Highland.  Paul is married and has three young children.  He has been involved with the Rotary for 15 years and is currently in his second term as President.  Paul got an email about the Commission on Reapportionment from the County Executives Office and he thought it sounded interesting.  He was involved in politics as a city committeeman 15 years ago.  Looking at the districts the way there are now doesnt make sense to him.  Paul wants to get the job at hand done and he wants to do it right.

Michael E. Catalinotto- Michael is an attorney with the firm Maynard, OConnor, Smith & Catalinotto. He is a former Chair and member of the Kingston Hospital Board.  He has been on the Council of the SUNY New Paltz institution.  He was the Chairman of the Republican Committee in Saugerties, but is no longer active in politics.  Michael took this opportunity because it is something novel.  Its never been tried before to have a citizens committee don the actual reapportionment of a county for county legislature purposes.   On top of that, we have the added responsibility for downsizing which makes the problem a little more complex and more challenging.  We have a golden opportunity to show that citizens can participate and come up with a plan that is not politically involved.

Dare Thompson- A career League of Women Voters person; currently President.  Redistricting and reapportionment in a fair way is as basic as it gets for us. We fought for the Charter and are very happy to see this included.  Several of us signed up for the selection process.  Dare believes one of the reasons she was selected was her location, as she understands there was an interest in geographic spread.  She thought it was a good sign that everyone knew she was on the LWV and still let her join the Commission.

Bill West- Woodstock resident, former Chairman of the County Legislature, Town Supervisor, semi-retired.  Bill believes this is a historic occasion.  We are the first group under the Charter to fulfill this obligation. We are the first group to reduce the Legislature to 23.  So this is pretty unique and hopefully we can set the tone for all future endeavors of this type.  Bill hopes that people look back and think this group did a good job.  Bill believes to date it has been a very collegial experience and expressed his appreciate to all members for their willingness to serve.

Review Materials Available to Commission Members

The Commission reviewed the following handouts:
1) Map showing towns, 2000 census and projected 2009 census
2) Section C-10 of the Ulster County Charter
3) Map showing towns and election districts with the number of enrolled voters
4) Brennan Institute Published Report on Process to Consider for Reapportionment sent into the Legislative Office via e-mail from Beth Murphy of Saugerties.  Vicky will e-mail a copy to all Commission Members.

Census Data:

Bill told the Commission that he spoke with the Planning Board and the Census data will probably not be available until the end of February, possibly March, worse case the end of March.  If we get the data in the middle of March, we are on a very compressed time frame to get this done because in fairness to all of the parties, they have to get their candidates and they have to know where the candidates are living.  In June comes the convention for parties and they start carrying petitions.

Dennis Doyle- We have been tasked to provide technical information to the Commission and we are a census data affiliate so we have direct access to the census bureau and agencies that deal with the bureau. One of the things that may be helpful to the Commission is to understand the structure census data which is not just based on municipal basis.  Beyond the municipal level it goes down to something called census tracts.  Beyond census tracts it goes to census block groups, beyond census block groups it goes to actual census blocks.  Thats the kind of data you may be looking at in terms of your divisions of where district lines run.  Dennis said his department would be more than happy to do a presentation or bring individual members up to speed on what census geography looks like.  The Commission should also know that the Legislature in working with the County Executive has set money in our budget to provide technical assistance outside the resources that are available in UC should you request it.  We intend to act as staff to the Commission.  We therefore hope that you develop a communications protocol.
With the census information we hope will be released in February, worse case March, we will get total population.  We will not get group quarters counts until sometime in May.  Group quarters counts are important because there is a state law that is going to require for reapportionment purposes that prison populations need to be brought back to their last area before they were incarcerated.  So, even when we get the census data we will have to pull out the prison population associated with it.  There is a really good website that gives an overview of NYS re this issue:
We do have population projections in estimates for the municipalities.  There is software out there that will essentially do the population distributions for various districts based on what you plug into it.  We do not currently own the software but we can purchase it.
Another thing to think about is how you are going to communicate to the general public.  Do you want to develop a website?

Future Meeting Dates:

The Commission Members agreed to schedule meetings for every Wednesday from 3PM to 5PM until their task is complete.  The meeting will be canceled if there is no business to conduct during a particular week, or the Commission may choose to meet more frequently if necessary.

Venues for Public Meetings:

Michael Catalinotto said the Commission is tasked with allowing for timely input from the County Legislature and its members and the maximum of public participation and comment.

The Commission would like to hold approximately 10 public meetings around the County.  The meeting in Kingston can be held in Legislative Chambers, with all Legislators invited.  Vicky will develop a list of potential venues and contacts for the Commission to consider.  The Commission would prefer to hold Public Hearings on Wednesday evenings beginning at 7PM.

Opinion on Plan Adoption Process

There were questions raised as to whether the Legislature would vote on the plan the Commission presents.
Does the Legislature plan on making changes to the plan or will it be accepted as presented? The Commission agreed to write a letter to the Majority and Minority Leaders of the Legislature requesting Legislative Counsels opinion on the Reapportionment Plan adoption process.  Bill will write the letter and circulate it via e-mail amongst the Commission Members before Vicky sends out the official request.

Communication Process:

The Commission agreed to communicate with departments or put in requests for information as a unified group instead of making individual requests.

Presentation Request for Next Meeting:

The Commission is interested in communicating with the public via a website.  Vicky will arrange to have Sylvia Wohlfahrt from IS present at the next meeting re: the website and any other services that may be available to the Commission. Dare Thompson expressed interest in the software Dennis Doyle briefly mentioned.  Cynthia Lowe suggested Dennis present information about this software at the next meeting.  Vicky will arrange to have Dennis present to the Commission at the meeting next Wednesday, 1/26, at 3PM.

Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 4:51 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,
Victoria Fabella, Deputy Clerk,Ulster County Legislature

Categories: Commitees, NEWS


January 21, 2011 Leave a comment

meals on wheels volunteer (from Wyoming Press)

Ulster County Legislative Programs Committee will be reviewing the Meals on Wheels program this winter. Legislator Cathy Terrizzi will Chair the review subcommittee.

Categories: Ulster County Seniors


January 21, 2011 1 comment

Ulster County Legislature

Jack Hayes, Chairman

Law Enforcement & Public Safety Committee

P.O. Box 1800
Kingston, NY 12402
Telephone: 845 340-3900
FAX: 845 340-3651


Dear Commander,

I hope this finds you well and in good circumstances. I am a veteran of the United States Navy and the New York State Air National Guard. I am also an Ulster County Legislator. I am a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. I want to make sure our veterans past and present are given the respect and gratitude of the communities they served so bravely.

I have heard that some of our active duty personnel were deprived of their absentee ballots in this last election. If you have any knowledge of any of Military Personnel having been denied their right to participate in this past (or any) election please advise me. I will do everything in my power to rectify and investigate any irregularities in voting laws.

I have also heard that some members of the current administration have tried to minimize celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War (enclosed article form Washington Post). I am appalled by the possibility that this might be true. I will pursue inquiries into this matter and contact our national headquarters for further guidance. If you have any information regarding this matter I would appreciate your input.

We must recognize the courageous service of our Vietnam Veterans and insure there is no slight to this anniversary celebration. I will be contacting State and Federal Representatives to review anniversary celebration preparations to mandate the utmost respect is paid for those veterans who served so honorably.

Please accept my warmest wishes for you and your command during this holiday season. If I can be of any assistance on a Military or other issue please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be reached at home at 845 633 8733 and by mail at 24 Tinkers Lane Gardiner NY 12525.


Jack Hayes

Ulster County Legislator

Categories: VETERANS


June 25, 2010 Leave a comment


With the increasing importance of caring for our war veterans and the unfinished business of meeting the needs of our aging veterans we clearly have our work cut out for us. We have to support those re-adjustment and counseling services that are effectively helping our service men and women to heal from the trauma and displacement they have incurred in our name. And we have to remember our commitment to those aging veterans who’s sacrife is not forgotten.

We will endeavor to compile a list of the people helping effectively our veterans in Ulster County.


NEWS,VIEWS AND MUSE from the Sixth Floor

April 30, 2010 Leave a comment

John J. Hayes
24 Tinkers Lane
Gardiner, NY 12525
845 633 8733

NEWS,VIEWS AND MUSE from the Sixth Floor. April has been a busy month for
Ulster County. Committees, Commissions and Boards have been meeting and working to
make Ulster County one of the most beautiful, prosperous and healthy places to live in
the United States.
Office of the Aging Council Chair Yvonne Allensonn has been working hard to
maintain and improve quality of life issues for seniors. She is planning a great luncheon
honoring Centenarians and the Senior Citizens of the Year on May 7, 2010 at the Hillside
Manor in Kingston.
The Criminal Justice Council is trying to determine the impact of Leandra’s Law.
A New York State law that will require persons convicted of Driving While Intoxicated to
have an Ignition Interlock Device installed on their car. The device would check a
person’s alcohol content and prevent the car from starting if they were intoxicated. The
law is helpful but the cost of enforcing it falls completely on the county. In a time of
multimillion dollar deficits it is another unfunded mandate from the state.
Ulster County Youth Bureau’s Krista Barringer has been working on the 10th
annual Youth Recognition Awards planned for May 27,2010 at Honor’s Haven in
Ellenville NY. Our future is our youth they need our support.
Speaking of support, the residents of Wawarsing are literally up to their necks in
New York City water. The NYC water aqueduct which passes under their homes is
leaking and filling the basements of their homes with water. Mayor Mike Bloomberg
“HELP”. Billions of gallons of the purest, sweetest water in the world are being wasted.
This has been going on for twenty years. Let’s get behind the people of Wawarsing and
The Ulster County Concerned Chiefs, (Fire Department Chiefs) have been
meeting with Chiefs throughout the county discussing the need to upgrade
communications systems. I attended a meeting at Highland and Ellenville firehouses. The
meetings were well attended and the discussion was lively. Good communications are
vital to emergency response and the efforts of all our Chiefs will enhance the safety of
our families.
The SPCA (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) appeared before the
Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee. SPCA Investigator Saunders reported
that the volume of investigations were up and his budget was feeling the strain. When I
reported this information to the Ulster County Chiefs of Police Association they
generously voted to make a $500 contribution to the Society. The Chiefs of Police
Association is holding its annual dinner on May 5, 2010 at the Hillside Manor anyone
needing tickets can contact me. Also helping SPCA was Jamie Meluso of Gardiner. She
made her Junior Girl Scout Bronze Award project the collection of useful items for the
shelter. Everyone can help SPCA by trying to resolve animal issues locally and
remembering them with contributions.
I joined President Don Katt, Ulster County Community College in attending
SUNY PURCHASE for a presentation of the SUNY STRATEGIC PLAN.

SUNY Chancellor, Nancy L Zimpher outlined the plan which makes our renown educational
system an integral element of the economic revitalization of New York State. Ms.
Zimpher’s enthusiasm and energy is contagious and I believe she will lead our education
community to even great heights. Ulster County Community College was recognized by
the Chancellor as a leader in our University network. Nice work Dr. Katt!
Speaking of WORK, that four letter word, let’s all put our efforts toward creating
more JOBS (another four letter word) in Ulster County. We need to support small local
businesses as they create some of the best work opportunities.
There is a great deal of positive action occurring in our county. I will try to keep
you informed and my website will soon be expanded so that you will be able to get
information for free and I won’t have to worry about how many words my message is.
Jack Hayes
Ulster County Legislator

Categories: NEWS